dijous, 20 d’abril del 2017



Imatge relacionada

There are also characters called "specialists" wich youchoose to play, and each has a skill with a weaponm and a helping ability, These in total are 9.

Ruin: He is the fist specialist, it is a man whose weapon is 2 gravitional spikes that make a chock wave and kill the one that is near. Its help is hypervelocity for a time runs very fast.

Outrider: Is a woman whose weapon is a bow that shoots explosive arrowa at impact with something, and its abillity is a vision through the walls that people can see.

Seraph: Is a woman whose weapon is a 6-bullet revolver that kills from single shot, and its ability is that it can multiply the points is gets by killing people, orby picking targets.

Reaper:  It is a robot that has with a weapon a scythe, a machine gun of 3 guns with 100 bullets. His ability is to duplicate himself with other clones to fool enemies.

Nomad: Is a neb whose weapons is a pistol that releases like bees that envelop the enemy and kill him. And his ability is a recharge wich gives you a chance, rather than die.

There are a few specialists more like one that shoots rays, another that goes with a flamethrower, with a grenade launcher...etc

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